Gabriel Baird


About this series

I learned about Mariet Ford, his role in The Play, the death of his family in Laguna and his murder conviction while reporting on Elk Grove, which had since incorporated Laguna, for The Sacramento Bee in 2004.

His case fascinated me.

At nights and on weekends, I read every article I could find, and still I wanted more. I found out that the chapter of the Innocence Project at Golden Gate University had taken his case in hopes of making him one of scores of inmates they have cleared using DNA evidence.

Susan Rutberg allowed me access to the project's case files. I repeatedly reviewed video tape of every interview Mariet gave police, taking copious notes. I photocopied the transcripts from his case. Mariet did not respond to multiple requests to meet. But Sacramento Sheriff's Detective Elaine Stevenson was generous with her time and gave me what was, at least at that point, the only interview ever about the case. I logged every detail of the case and Mariet's life into a database to organize this tale.

I wrote this series in 2004 and published it on the web in 2005. After hearing from readers, I've republished it here where it will be easier to find.